Privacy policy

COOKIES POLICY cookies do not store confidential information, such as name and address. In order to restrict, block or delete cookies from this website, use a web browser. Since each browser is different, you can learn how to change your cookie preferences in the “Help” menu of your browser.

Google Analytics – These cookies enable the function of Google Analytics. This software helps to obtain and analyse information about the type of browser used, the number of visitors to the website, the effectiveness of marketing campaigns and the time of individual visits. This information is used to improve the website.

Facebook – These cookies enable the function of Facebook for the purposes of: enabling activity on the social profile, effective maintenance of profiles by presenting their users with information about the Controller’s initiatives and activities and in connection with the promotion of various types of events, product services and in order to use marketing campaigns. This information is used to improve the website and to match Facebook ads.

The entity placing cookies on the end device of the user of this website and accessing them is the operator Stalfa Sp. z o.o. Cookie files may also be placed on the user’s end device and used by partners cooperating with the operator – Google and Facebook.



Using the website involves sending queries to the server on which the website is hosted. Each query addressed to the server is saved in logs, which include e.g. IP address, server date and time, information about the web browser and operating system you are using. The data stored in the server logs are not associated with a specific person and are only auxiliary material used for administration, and their content is not disclosed to anyone except persons authorised to administer the server at


The data provided when sending a message via the contact form will not be used for marketing purposes. These data are stored in the e-mail box at for the purposes of e-mail management and sending an e-mail reply to your message. Third parties will not have access to them.



Providing personal data for marketing and commercial purposes is voluntary. You can access your personal data, correct them and request removal at any time. For this purpose, contact the controller.

The controller is Stalfa Sp. z o. o., ul. Oleksiaka Wichury 2, 08-300 Sokołów Podlaski, NIP: 823-10-02-003, REGON: 710330535.

The Controller hereby informs the User that he entrusts the processing of personal data to the following entities: S.A., ul. Zbożowa 4, 70-653 Szczecin, NIP: 852-21-03-252, REGON: 811158242 – to store personal data on the server



Website Policy

In connection with the implementation of the obligations arising from Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27/04/2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (general data protection regulation), Stalfa Sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Sokołów Podlaski informs about the principles of personal data processing

  1. Definitions:
GDPR Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27/04/2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation)
The Company or Controller/we “Stalfa” sp. z o. o. with its registered office in Sokołów Podlaski, ul. Oleksiaka Wichury 2, 08-300 Sokołów Podlaski), which independently determines the purposes and methods of personal data processing
personal data    means any information about an identified or identifiable natural person
personal data means any information about an identified or identifiable natural person
data subject a natural person to whom personal data processed by the Controller relates, e.g. a person visiting the Controller’s premises or sending an e-mail inquiry to him
  1. Information on the processing of personal data of website users
  2. Purposes and basis of processing
  • in the case of e-mail correspondence sent to us via the communication channels available on our website in matters that are not related to our current cooperation, in particular with the concluded contract, personal data contained in the correspondence are processed only for the purpose of communication and solving the issue to which the correspondence relates. In this situation, the basis for the processing of personal data is the implementation of our legitimate interests consisting in correspondence (Article 6(1)(f) GDPR);
  • when contacting us by telephone at the contact numbers available on our website in matters that are not related to our current cooperation, in particular with the concluded contract, personal data is processed only when it is necessary to settle the matter to which the contact relates. Also in this situation, the basis for the processing of personal data is the pursuit of our legitimate interests consisting in settling the case reported to us (Article 6(1)(f) GDPR);
  • personal data may also be processed to administer our website. Also in this situation, the basis for the processing of personal data is the pursuit of our legitimate interests consisting in administering the website (Article 6(1)(f) GDPR). Our legitimate interests may also consist in protecting and supporting our business, our employees and associates, business partners, shareholders, preventing and detecting anti-social behaviour and fraud, as well as crimes, promoting our services and products, as well as pursuing and defending our claims if necessary;

In connection with the above-mentioned purposes we collect and process data contained in the correspondence addressed to us: name, surname, e-mail address, possibly also a telephone number, details of e-mails that we send to you, which are opened by you, including links contained in them that you click (e.g. those that allow you to determine if and when you opened such communication), information about the behaviour while browsing the website, cookies, IP address if necessary, other data sent via standard query HTTP(s) headers, data used to keep your session online.

The Company also has public Facebook social profiles. Therefore, as the Controller, it processes data left by people visiting these profiles (e.g. comments, online identifiers). Personal data of data subjects are then processed for the purposes of: enabling activity on social profiles, effective running of profiles by presenting their users with information about the Controller’s initiatives and activities, and in connection with the promotion of various types of events, services, products, or may be processed for the purpose of pursuing and defending against claims.

  • the basis for the processing of personal data in the situation referred to above is the Controller’s legitimate interest (Article 6(1)(f) GDPR) consisting in promoting its own brand and the quality of services provided, increasing the communication range and strengthening the Controller’s internal operational processes (e.g. support of the recruitment process), and also, if necessary, pursuing and defending against claims.

The above information does not apply to the processing of personal data by the Facebook controller.

  • in connection with recruitments conducted via our website, in the event of preferring employment based on an employment contract in order to perform obligations under the law, related to the recruitment process, in particular the Labour Code – the legal basis for processing is the legal obligation incumbent on the Controller (Article 6(1)(c) GDPR), and in the case of preferring employment based on a civil law contract, the legal basis for processing data contained in the application documents is taking action before concluding the contract (Article 6(1)(b) GDPR) ;
  • in order to conduct the recruitment process in the field of data not required by law or by the Controller, as well as for future recruitment, the legal basis for data processing is consent (Article 6(1)(a) GDPR, Article 9(2)(a) GDPR);
  • in order to verify the qualifications and skills and determine the terms of cooperation, the legal basis for the processing of personal data is the legitimate interest of the Controller (Article 6(1)(f) GDPR). The legitimate interest of the Controller is the verification of candidates for work/cooperation and the determination of its conditions;
  • for the Controller to determine or pursue any claims or defend against them, the legal basis for data processing is the Controller’s legitimate interest (Article 6(1)(f) GDPR);

Providing personal data in the scope specified in art. 221 of the Labour Code is required – if the candidate prefers employment based on an employment contract – by law, including the Labour Code. In the case of preferring employment based on a civil law contract – by the Controller. Providing personal data is voluntary, but failure to provide them will result in the inability to participate in the recruitment process. At the same time, we assure you that failure to provide personal data other than necessary for the purpose of recruitment will not be a reason for refusal of employment.

  • fulfilling the obligations incumbent on the Controller of personal data, resulting from the provisions of law, including showing due diligence when selecting a business partner, as well as in order to make financial and tax settlements based on the provisions of the Act of 11.03.2004 on tax on goods and services, or the Act on 29.08.1997 Tax Code (Article 6(1)(c) GDPR);
  • conclusion and performance of the contract due to the fact that you are its party (Article 6(1)(b) GDPR);
  • pursuit of the legitimate interests of the Controller, i.e. performance of the contract with the entity you represent, in order to exchange e-mail or written correspondence with our business partners, handling and pursuing claims if they arise, participation in negotiation meetings and meetings  before contract conclusion, for marketing purposes, as well as in connection with the pursuit of our internal administrative purposes due to the fact that we belong to the Polimex Mostostal Capital Group; those administrative interests may consist in particular in ensuring the correct flow of information within the Capital Group and control of business processes (Article 6(1)(f) GDPR).

In connection with the above-mentioned purposes, we collect and process, in particular, the following data: name (names), surname, position in the organisation, telephone number, e-mail address, information about your rights and qualifications, as well as information confirming the ability to perform the contract, NIP (TIN), REGON, address of the registered office of the business.

  1. Retention

We will store personal data for the period necessary to achieve the purpose for which they are collected or processed, to the extent necessary to ensure compliance with the applicable legal requirement or to the extent it is necessary under applicable archiving regulations. In the case of ongoing recruitment, personal data will be stored until the end of recruitment, and if we have your consent to process data for the purposes of future recruitment, until they are useful. In both cases, we will delete the data no later than 3 years after their collection, and in any case when you withdraw your consent. If you are our business partner, personal data will be stored for the period necessary to achieve the purposes for which they were collected and for which they are processed, but no longer than for the duration of the contract and for the period reserved by law (e.g. in particular the limitation period for claims for periodic benefits and claims related to running a business is 3 years) or for the pursuit of the Controller’s legitimate interests.

  1. Recipients
  • entities authorised to receive them on the basis of legal provisions, if such a request is made, e.g. by judicial authorities;
  • the recipients of the data may also be our employees and associates, as well as entities processing personal data on our behalf, i.e. providing consulting, business support, archiving and IT services to us.
  1. Realisation of rights

Using the data subjects’ rights in the field of personal data protection, you can demand to:

  • access your personal data and obtain a copy of it;
  • correct your personal data if the data is incorrect or incomplete;
  • object to data processing;
  • restrict the processing of personal data;
  • transfer personal data, i.e. receive personal data from us in a structured, commonly used machine-readable IT format. You can send this data to another controller or request that we send your data to another controller. However, we will only do so if such a transfer is technically possible. The right to transfer personal data applies only to those data that we process on the basis of your consent, as well as
  • withdraw consent to the processing of your personal data to the extent that consent was given at any time without affecting the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal.

In each case where the data subject considers that the processing of personal data by us violates the provisions of the GDPR, they have the right to lodge a complaint with the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection. Personal data will not be processed solely in an automated manner that may cause negative legal effects on you.

Personal data will not be profiled. For the purposes of fulfilling the obligations arising from the employment contract related to the calculation of the amount of remuneration and other benefits, the data may be subject to automated processing. In any case, however, we will ensure that any related concerns are resolved in a non-automated manner.

  1. Is it necessary to provide data

Providing data is completely voluntary. However, failure to provide them will result in the inability to use our services to the extent that their processing is necessary to use them.

  1. EEA

Personal data will not be transferred outside the EEA. Otherwise, in this situation, your personal data will be transferred on the basis of a positive decision of the European Commission, and failing that, if we provide appropriate safeguards, and subject to the existence of enforceable rights of data subjects. If such a situation occurs, you will be informed.

  1. Source

If personal data have not been provided to us directly, we received them from the entity you represent or we downloaded them from publicly available sources (e.g. National Court Register, CEIDG, or website).

In all matters related to the processing of personal data, you can contact us by post at the address of the registered office with the note “IOD” or at the e-mail address:


    Contact form

    Go ahead and write!

    The administrator of the personal data is Stalfa sp. z o.o. based in Sokołów Podlaski, 2 Oleksiaka Wichury Street, 08-300 Sokołów Podlaski. The personal data of those who contact us will be processed in order to identify the contactor and to handle the enquiry. More information about the processing of personal data is available at Website policy. We encourage you to read this information before sending us an enquiry.

    Your choice regarding cookies on this website cookies do not store confidential information, such as name and address. In order to restrict, block or delete cookies from this website, use a web browser. Since each browser is different, you can learn how to change your cookie preferences in the “Help” menu of your browser.


    Detailed information is available in the Privacy policy.


      Formularz ofertowy

      Administratorem danych osobowych jest Stalfa sp. z o.o. z siedzibą w Sokołowie Podlaskim, ul. Oleksiaka Wichury 2, 08-300 Sokołów Podlaski. Dane osobowe osób kontaktujących się z nami będą przetwarzane w celu identyfikacji kontaktującego się oraz obsługi zapytania. Więcej informacji o przetwarzaniu danych osobowych dostępnych jest w Polityce strony internetowej. Zachęcamy do zapoznania się z tymi informacjami przed wysłaniem do nas zapytania.


        Quotation Form

        The administrator of personal data is Stalfa sp. z o.o. with headquarters in Sokołów Podlaski, ul. Oleksiaka Wichury 2, 08-300 Sokołów Podlaski. Personal data of individuals contacting us will be processed for the purpose of identifying the contacting person and handling the inquiry. More information about personal data processing is available in the Website Privacy Policy. We encourage you to review this information before submitting an inquiry to us.



          Die Verantwortliche für die Verarbeitung personenbezogener Daten ist Stalfa sp. z o.o. mit Sitz in Sokołów Podlaski, ul. Oleksiaka Wichury 2, 08-300 Sokołów Podlaski. Die personenbezogenen Daten der Kontaktpersonen werden zur Identifizierung des Kontakts und zur Bearbeitung der Anfrage verarbeitet. Weitere Informationen zur Verarbeitung personenbezogener Daten finden Sie in der Datenschutzrichtlinie der Website. Wir laden Sie ein, sich vor dem Versenden Ihrer Anfrage mit diesen Informationen vertraut zu machen.